Happenings | Kara Marie Boudoir

Good grief, I was so excited for summer to start so I could start to relax and play catch-up from the crazy fall/winter/and spring we've had, but summer is turning out to be just as crazy! I'm terrible at sending out newsletters (who wants to read those, anyway?) and I figure that my blog is under-utilized just enough to make more sense to post my newsletter here. 

SO-- here is all that's been going on lately!!

1. We hit our donation goal for Janie's Fund...but we're still going!

Janie's Fund is an impactful charity organization headed up by Steven Tyler that benefits girls and young women who have been abused or neglected. I committed to donating a portion of every single boudoir booking between now and my birthday (8/16) to Janie's Fund with a fundraising goal of $1000. We hit that goal in less than a week, and have over a month left. Currently we're sitting at $1,427 and wold love your contribution if the cause speaks to you. Read more about my ties to the cause HERE


2.  We have 3 time slots remaining for our DALLAS boudoir Marathon in October!


That's right...on occasion I hit the road/sky for a boudoir marathon to cities that I get a ton of requests from. DALLAS is one of them ;) Currently, the remaining time slots are Friday, October 20th at 5:00pm, Saturday, October 21st at 2:00pm, and Saturday, October 21st at 4:00pm. The flat-rate package includes professional makeup application with lashes, an hour long boudoir shoot at our picturesque Dallas location, 5 digital files of your choice, and a 2-image leather wrapped nightstand folio. To request a time slot to chat more, shoot us an email at hello@karamarieboudoir.com 


3. I'm...like...really really really behind on blogs. Like, really behind. 


Many photographers, boudoir photographers especially, struggle with having enough content to publish on their blogs. But Kara Marie Boudoir clients LOOVVVEEE having their photos and stories featured on our blog. You badasses, you. Generally every time I publish a blog post, I get at least 10 inquiries and 8ish bookings right away. My holding out on blog posts reasoning has been two-fold...#1- We've been so busy with shoots and reveals, it's been so hard to have enough time to write out blogs that are worthy of the women in them. I certainly can't half ass that! And #2- If I published the blog and the usual number of immediate requests for a boudoir shoot booking came in, I would have to give date options that are super far in the future as we're booked AF. And I hate to disappoint. ;)

But not to worry,  I got myself in a writing zone yesterday and pre-scheduled 8 features, and I've got 32 more blogs ready for my typing fingers to tackle. Yep...thats FORTY BLOGS rolling out. If you are one of the clients who has been blog-stalking and think that I hated your images because I haven't posted them yet....NOPE! I post everyone who lets me. I'm just slow to it ;)  Be sure to check out recent blog features-- there's some good stuff in there ;) 



4. Destination Boudoir is a thing, y'all. And I do that thing.


I've got quite a bit of travel coming up in the next few months. LA, Palm Springs, Miami, Cabo, and somewhere undecided in August....and you know what I love most about traveling? It inspires me to the nth degree. Being in a new place with different surroundings, different light, different climate, it just makes me want to take all the photos (really. Ask my husband. He LOOOVVVEEESSS it. ;) ).

What's even better than that, though, is that my clients are starting to catch on to the fact that, not only can I travel for boudoir...but the resulting photos are SO unique and badass and incredible.  When you eliminate the bedroom scene, things tend to take on a little more of a fashion vibe.  So if you've got a vacation coming up and you're thinking "Man, I sure would love to have some boudoir photos of me in my little vacation hut in the jungles of Mexico..."....yeah, I can do that. 


The trickiest part is availability, so it's definitely a plan-ahead type of situation, but I most definitely accept travel bookings as often as possible. Full disclosure: yes, it costs extra. But all the coolest things do. ;) 


5. My clients are amazing. 

Yep. They are. Just when I think they can't be any more amazing...there they go, being amazinger. Forgive the humble brag, but my clients have been so good to me, bringing their enthusiasm to their sessions, having fun new ideas, booking me for super cool destination boudoir shoots, and trusting me with such a personal and intimate experience.  I love y'all.  And if you're not a KMB client yet but maybe are kind of thinking about possibly becoming one maybe sometime in the futureish? I love you, too.  This is a small business...it's a booming one...but it's just me, my assistant/retoucher, and my glam squad. Each year I pour more and more of myself into this little business, and each year my clients and my someday clients but current followers give me so much more in return. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. 


Kara Marie